Indication of exchange interaction induced spin splitting in unoccupied electronic states of the high- TC ferromagnet (Cr0.35Sb0.65)2Te3

C. W. Chuang, Y. Nakata, K. Hori, S. Gupta, F. M.F. De Groot, A. Fujimori, T. P.T. Nguyen, K. Yamauchi, I. Rajput, A. Lakhani, F. H. Chang, H. J. Lin, C. T. Chen, F. Matsukura, S. Souma, T. Takahashi, T. Sato, A. Chainani

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We study the high Curie temperature ferromagnet (Cr0.35Sb0.65)2Te3 (TC=192K), using T-dependent x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD), and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). The T-dependent (25-220 K) XAS-XMCD evolution of Cr3d and Te5p unoccupied site- and orbital-projected states shows a systematic modification, which we interpret as due to spin-splitting below TC. The T-dependent XMCD intensity and leading-edge spin-sensitive shifts γexpt(T) follow bulk magnetization. ARPES measurements with hν=78eV show a metallic state with Sb 5p band dispersions at and near Fermi level (EF), consistent with bulk band-structure calculations for (Cr0.33Sb0.67)2Te3. However, surface-sensitive ARPES with hν=8.4eV above and below TC show linear band dispersions just below EF, suggesting a remnant of Dirac-type dispersions. Assuming the linear dispersion survives above EF, it implies a topologically trivial ferromagnet as the estimated Dirac point energy lies above the largest γexpt(T=25K). The Cr3d XAS-XMCD spectra can be simulated by charge transfer multiplet cluster model calculations with an exchange field Hex which quantitatively reproduces the experimental XMCD. At T=25K, the required exchange field Hex of ∼48T corresponds to a Zeeman energy ζ=2.8meV<TC=192K (= 16.5 meV) ≪γexpt∼140meV. The results indicate the role of Cr3d exchange interactions in causing spin-sensitive shifts in Cr3d states, and inducing comparable spin-sensitive shifts via hybridization in Te5p states of (Cr0.35Sb0.65)2Te3.

Original languageEnglish
Article number195134
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number19
Publication statusPublished - 2024 May 15


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