Universal dynamics of magnetic monopoles in two-dimensional Kagomé ice

Hiroshi Takatsu, Kazuki Goto, Taku J. Sato, Jeffrey W. Lynn, Kazuyuki Matsubayashi, Yoshiya Uwatoko, Ryuji Higashinaka, Kazuyuki Matsuhira, Zenji Hiroi, Hiroaki Kadowaki

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1 Citation (Scopus)


A magnetic monopole in spin ice is a novel quasiparticle excitation in condensed matter physics. We found that the ac frequency dependent magnetic susceptibility χ(ω) in the two-dimensional (2D) spin ice (so-called kagomé ice) of Dy2Ti2O7 shows a single scaling form. This behavior can be understood in terms of the dynamical scaling law for 2D Coulomb gas (CG) systems [Phys. Rev. B 90, 144428 (2014)], characterized by the charge correlation length ξ (∝ 1/√ω1), where ω1 is a characteristic frequency proportional to the peak position of the imaginary part of χ(ω). It is a generic behavior among a wide variety of models such as the vortex dynamics of 2D superconductors, 2D superfluids, classical XY magnets, and dynamics of melting of Wigner crystals.

Original languageEnglish
Article number123705
JournalJournal of the Physical Society of Japan
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 2021 Dec 15


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