Zigzag magnetic order in the Kitaev spin-liquid candidate material RuBr3 with a honeycomb lattice

Yoshinori Imai, Kazuhiro Nawa, Yasuhiro Shimizu, Wakana Yamada, Hideyuki Fujihara, Takuya Aoyama, Ryotaro Takahashi, Daisuke Okuyama, Takamasa Ohashi, Masato Hagihala, Shuki Torii, Daisuke Morikawa, Masami Terauchi, Takayuki Kawamata, Masatsune Kato, Hirotada Gotou, Masayuki Itoh, Taku J. Sato, Kenya Ohgushi

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25 Citations (Scopus)


We successfully synthesize RuBr3, which is a candidate material of a Kitaev spin liquid, via a high-pressure synthesis. The material RuBr3 possesses a BiI3-type structure (space group R3¯) where Ru3+ forms an ideal honeycomb lattice even at room temperature and it does not show a structural transition at low temperatures. RuBr3 has a negative Weiss temperature and it undergoes a zigzag antiferromagnetic transition at TN=34 K, as does α-RuCl3 (TN=7-14K) which is a promising candidate for a Kitaev spin liquid. Although both compounds of RuBr3 and α-RuCl3 have a zigzag magnetic order at low temperature, the magnetic order in RuBr3 is more robust than in α-RuCl3. Our results indicate that the Kitaev and non-Kitaev interactions can be modified in ruthenium trihalides by changing the ligand sites, and will provide another platform for exploring Kitaev spin liquids.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberL041112
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2022 Jan 15


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