Evaluation of LIDAR and GPS based SLAM on fire disaster in petrochemical complexes

Abu Ubaidah Bin Shamsudin, Naoki Mizuno, Jun Fujita, Kazunori Ohno, Ryunosuke Hamada, Thomas Westfechtel, Satoshi Tadokoro, Hisanori Amano

研究成果: 書籍の章/レポート/Proceedings会議への寄与査読

3 被引用数 (Scopus)


Firefighter robot autonomy is important for fire disaster response robotics. SLAM is a key technology for the autonomy. We want to know if SLAM can be used in fire disasters. However, evaluating SLAM in an actual fire disaster is not possible because we cannot generate large fires in actual petrochemical complexes. In this study, we simulated a fire disaster, collected sensor data for different conditions in the fire disaster, and evaluated the accuracy of the SLAM. The fire effect for LIDAR was analyzed and the effect embedded in the LIDAR measurement simulator. Several sensor interval parameters used by a heat protection cover was also analyzed for protecting sensor from heat. The evaluation result show the best parameter is 1 s measurement and 9 s sensor cooling which the average accuracy of GPS and LIDAR based SLAM was in the range 0.25 - 0.36 m in the most difficult scenario in the petrochemical complex, has dimensions 1000 m × 600 m. Using the simulator enables us to evaluate the best interval parameter of GPS and LIDAR based SLAM at the fire disaster. The knowledge from the fire effect of the LIDAR could be used to improve LIDAR measurement in actual fire disasters.

ホスト出版物のタイトルSSRR 2017 - 15th IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics, Conference
出版社Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
出版ステータス出版済み - 2017 10月 26
イベント15th IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics, SSRR 2017 - Shanghai, 中国
継続期間: 2017 10月 112017 10月 13


名前SSRR 2017 - 15th IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics, Conference


会議15th IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics, SSRR 2017


「Evaluation of LIDAR and GPS based SLAM on fire disaster in petrochemical complexes」の研究トピックを掘り下げます。これらがまとまってユニークなフィンガープリントを構成します。
